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Are you stuck on what you hope is just a 'phase?

Writer's picture: babycandmebabycandme

We were and trust me everyone who told me 'dont worry its just a phase' I probably could have screamed at. During lockdown our little one went through a few things which thankfully those phases have passed. The three biggest ones were:

1. Would only fall asleep with me.
2. Would only stay asleep on either of us.
3. Hated the pram.

The sleep thing was a BIG thing for us and I honestly dont think anyone could appreciate the severity of it unless they lived it. It sounds exaggerated I know but I felt like breaking down alot because of it and it only really changed once lockdown was lifted and we were able to introduce her to other people and have a routine other than our four walls.

We tried to put her to sleep on everything, the sofa, the bouncer, the playmat, the pram, our bed, nothing but on us until she was 4 months old. Looking back now I wished I would have soaked those naps up more and accepted it was a phase but at the time I couldn't see us getting out of it, 3 hours at a time I could be with her on the sofa unable to move. We spent days walking around the house with her in the pram but the second we would put her down anywhere she'd open her eyes.

She also would only let me put her to sleep, during her first month anyone could (pre-lockdown) lockdown happened and even her dad couldn't do it, not because he physically couldn't but because she would cry so much it wouldn't be worth it. Now thankfully she'll fall asleep just about with anyone.

Bringing us to number 3 which with a small change produced us the biggest result in helping us with the first 2 phases. She hated the pram, she hated the newborn stage of the pram, once we changed it to the older level it all changed. Shes sometimes still fussy in her pram and cannot fall asleep with it en route but nothing compared to what it was - definate game changer!

All in all, phases come and go and now that it has for us I believe it when other people used to tell us. Now I am unsure if lockdown heightened these issues for her but I definitely don't think it helped her.

So persevere, try make small changes where possible as they can bring the biggest results and ride the wave until is passes, because it will.

All our love,

Baby C and Me X

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