Something I could never have foreseen when my little one was born is how much I obsess over her sleep. I think its because every day is different it isn't something I can control, some days she naps for 20 minutes at a time some days 2 hours. Some nights she sleeps 11-12 hours with a 15 minute awake time for a feed and other nights shes awake for 1-2 hours thinking its play time and on rare occasions she sleeps completely through giving us 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Around the 6 week mark is when I found us out of the honeymoon period of not minding being up every hour and found this time probably the hardest. She got her days and nights confused and was up 6 hours at a time during the night, fortunately this phase soon passed and since then she has been a relatively good sleeper. My constant battle currently is wishing she would be able to self soothe and put her self to sleep whilst also not wanting to wish away the rocking her to sleep stage. I obsess over her awake windows, how much she sleeps or doesn't sleep and every day I think is today the day I look to sleep train her. Its probably my most googled research topic. I feel like I cannot wait to know what the future holds and if its something she learns naturally by herself, if I only I knew that but for now I have purchased a sleep support programme as she names it from just chill mama for 6-9 months. Part of me is sceptical and part of me is like I hope I don't have to listen to her cry. I am yet to implement it as I am still reading the course but I have found because of how much I do obsess over it that I have unfollowed any sleep training instagrams telling you that by 6 months they should be sleeping through and by themselves. I have read over and over again to put them down awake and I just do not see how this works. I've read a million reviews about this sleep support program ive purchased but will it work, will I have the courage to try to implement i dont know. Some days I think why am I even worrying her sleep is beyond anything I can expect at her age, some days when ive been in her room for the 10th time since putting her down for the night to resettle her I think okay tomorrow is the day.
If this is something which is bringing you anxiety my best advice is to not follow such pages online or Google sleep in any shape or form. I know I am not there yet but I also know when my little one gets to the age where she does do it ill look back and think why was I even worried?
Until next time,
Baby C and Me X