Where to start. I'm not sure what I really thought about before going into labour but I do know I focused more on the contractions part than the pushing part. I was more concerned about sweeps, inducing, contractions than even thinking of the second stage of labour. I obsessed over labour vlogs and one born every minute which obviously shows labour as something quicker than it is, it is a tv show after all. I was also certain I would take no pain relief and that gas and air was my last option. Oh was I wrong.
Getting to 40 weeks I dreaded the thought of my scheduled sweep at 41 weeks. I had been trying all the tricks of the trade as from 38 weeks to get this baby going. Walking, squatting, birthing ball, raspberry tea, sex, indian food! Finally the day before my waters broke (naturally) at home I had tried the birthing ball for a millionth time but this time I didnt bounce or rock from side to side, I was advised to use the ball wide legged and in a motion of 8 - is this the reason behind my waters breaking, who knows!
On Saturday 15th of February my waters broke at home at 4:30am. All I can explain it to be is a water balloon with a loud pop, I wasnt sure if I'd dreamt it or imagined the baby had kicked me really hard and it woke me up, seconds later the gush of water came out. Something they dont tell you is that it keeps pouring out and will continuously to do so hours after - this means adult nappy time! We called maternity and headed in, I'd originally gone in with a pad but soon resorted to an adult nappy and pad to soak up the water that doesnt stop flowing. I was monitored for 20 minutes with some mild contractions starting and examined, after this we were sent home.
From getting home the contractions got stronger and closer together reaching 1-2 minutes which for me meant go time! We headed back around 9am and monitored again but were told to be nearer the labour stage contractions yes had to be 1-2 minutes apart but also lasting 1 minute, you needed 4 of these within a 10 minute stretch to consider going back in.
Instead of returning home we went for breakfast across the road and by 11am the contractions met the requirements of 4 x 1 minute in 10 minutes.
After being taken into the labour room, we met our midwife, tried to get comfortable and ride out these contractions, currently 3cm dilated. I was given cocodamol and gas and air, by 1pm I had asked for diamorphine and had reached 5cm dilated. At this point I was desperate, due to the babys low position I had the feeling of needing to push as from then, and not being able to push when you need to is difficult, did this result in me pooing myself, I'll be honest - yes! At 3:30pm I was checked for the last time as I had reached 10cm dilation - now for the pushing. Like I mentioned I hadn't really considered the pushing part and thought this was the easiest bit, oh was I wrong, they dont call it the ring of fire for nothing! After every push I could feel down below widen and really thought this baby wouldn't ever come out. After an hour of pushing my beautiful baby girl entered the world at 4:38pm on Saturday 15th of February, meaning 12 hours since my waters broke. My placenta was delivered around 10 minutes later.
The relief once your baby is born is like no other, the instant pressure removed and the love for a new life takes over.
Once checked for stitches which luckily I didnt need, I was able to shower and face the world with my new born child.
Until next time,
All our love,
Baby C and Me X