Exercising whilst pregnant is a BIG debate, I've heard everything from that's not good for the baby to get those squats in, you'll need them for the pushing! So what do you do?*
From personal experience and being a keen gym goer before pregnancy, I knew I wanted to carry on in the safest way possible. Exercising whilst pregnant is recommended and encouraged in moderation - If you are unable to hold a 10 minute conversation during or after - you have exceeded what is suitable to you. Exercising is usually not as recommended if this is something which you did not do prior to pregnancy.
From my first trimester I did slow down due to personal preference, from 3-5 times to week to 1-2. My exercise programme usually consisted of HIIT which I have simplified and adapted as my pregnancy has continued. From doctors advice and local fitness professionals the following is not recommended:
In general - No contact sports
First trimester - Any jumping exercises, including Burpees (YAY for me!)
Second trimester - Any crunches or similar movements
Third trimester - Try not to do any exercises lying on your back due to blood flow and increased pressure to your baby, if you are going to lay down, it is best to stick to side body movements.
I'll be honest, to those tutting away reading this thinking women should stop all exercise whilst pregnant well then I imagine you are the women who did not have sex for those 9 months? - I didn't think so!
Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for so many reasons, it helps towards reducing or preventing morning sickness, it can alleviate stress whilst preparing those muscles for child birth - I haven't been through it yet but I imagine it is no walk in the park! Squats for example can help your leg muscles for any pushing and small weights can help build those arm muscles, I mean, exercising with 6Kg or more for 30 second intervals, isn't exactly the same as now having a baby attached to your arms for the next 18+ years.
The more active and fit you are during pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. It will also help you to get back into shape after the birth.
Research shows that the safest and most productive activities are swimming, brisk walking, indoor stationary cycling, step or elliptical machines, and low-impact aerobics. Therefore, consult your doctor and exercise if your body is happy to, I have found that women's bodies are extraordinary and if you are doing too much, trust me your body will let you know!
Also, for all those surrounding people wondering why you aren't exercising at the pace they are, it will take a while to get used to, but you are exercising for two!
If you want to follow a couple of people who enjoy exercising whilst pregnant I recommend:
- Lucy Mecklenburgh @luckmeck1 - Currently in her 3rd month of pregnancy and great at showing her tailored exercise programmes for pregnancy.
- Daniella Monet @daniellamonet - Currently in her 9th month of pregnancy and rocking it in the gym!
All our love,
Baby C and Me X
* Please be aware I am no professional - use extreme caution when exercising whilst pregnant and please consult your doctor first.